The DISAWORK partnership has finally met in Vienna on the 8th and 9th of November to discuss what has been done and what are the next steps of the project regarding the importance of the Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace. But most of all, the meeting has been an important chance for all the people involved to meet in person – after almost one year – and share ideas and feelings in a spontaneous way and in a fruitful atmosphere.
All the foreseen and reached steps regarding the building ground of the project have been the first subjects of the discussion: the State of the Art, a desk research where it is possible to get updated on the situation of the Emotional Intelligence in the partner countries (Austria, Greece, Italy, Romania, and Spain), as well as the Self Evaluation Tool, an online test to discover how much one already knows about the main skills related to Emotional Intelligence.
The partnership will also release soon the last developed output, the Common Report, which is the result of the Focus Groups conducted in all the involved countries to identify the 10 most important emotional skills in the workplace.
Another important part of the meeting has been the discussion about the Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace Training System that will be developed in the next months, as the core of the project.
Stay tuned, more tools to discover and more news to come!